On 21 November, the Heilongjiang China-Russia Friendship Hospital held its opening ceremony with the participation of a delegation from the Russian Ministry of Health.
The opening ceremony was attended by Feng Jinwei, Vice President of Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital; Liang Minlin, Second Grade Inspector, Heilongjiang Provincial Health and Wellness Commission; Liu Qing, Deputy Director, Foreign Cooperation Department, Medical Affairs Division, Heilongjiang Provincial Health Commission.
The Russian delegation of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre was represented by Anna Starshinova, Head of Research Department, and Igor Kudriavtsev, Head of Immunology.
After the ceremony, Anna Starshinova introduced the colleagues to the advanced technologies, research and training opportunities at the Almazov Centre.
The parties had the opportunity to discuss potential future interactions and the further development of cooperation.
The administration and staff of Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital presented their Russian colleagues with an overview of the potential applications of telemedicine technologies and patient examination in the outpatient setting.