Elena Grineva


Director of the Institute of Endocrinology, the Chief endocrinologist of the North-West Federal District, MD, Professor

She graduated from the First Leningrad Medical Institute (Pavlov State University) in 1983. After postdoctoral study graduation in 1991, Dr. Grineva defended her thesis on “Active nucleolar organizers thyrocytes in patients with diffuse toxic goiter, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and thyroid nodules”.

Professor Grineva worked as an assistant, then associate professor of Faculty Therapy Department and taught students in internal medicine, endocrinology. One of the first in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) she has mastered the needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland and the cytological diagnosis and introduced it into daily practice. She performed 10 000 biopsies of thyroid gland, trained many surgeons and endocrinologists in St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

In 2004 she defended her doctoral thesis on “Thyroid nodules. Diagnosis and medical tactics”. She also wrote a chapter on the cytological diagnosis of thyroid disease in a monograph O. K. Khmelnitsky “Histological and cytological diagnosis of thyroid disease”.

Elena Grineva is a leading specialist of St. Petersburg and Russia on thyroid diseases, diagnosis of thyroid nodules, including cytological diagnosis. Since 2008, under her leadership at the Institute of Endocrinology of Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre the issues of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pituitary and adrenal glands as well as problems for pregnant women with endocrine diseases were successfully explored.

In 2009 Elena Grineva became the head of the Institute of Endocrinology of Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre. From 1999 to now she holds a course in endocrinology for doctors in Pavlov State Medical University, is a coauthor of textbooks for doctors in endocrinology, diabetes, thyroid disease. Professor Grineva is a member of the European Thyroid Association, a member of the European Association of Neuroendocrinologists.

Publications in elibrary.ru
Publications in mapofscience.ru



Уведомляем вас, что в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 06.03.2006 № 35-ФЗ «О противодействии терроризму» в Центре Алмазова введен комплекс дополнительных мер по безопасности, направленный на предотвращение террористических актов. В целях обеспечения безопасности граждан и целостности объектов инфраструктуры при посещении Центра Алмазова проводится дополнительный личный осмотр, осмотр вещей и автотранспорта. Отказ от соблюдения мер по безопасности может послужить причиной недопуска на территорию Центра Алмазова. Просим с пониманием отнестись к введенным мерам по безопасности.

С уважением, Администрация Центра Алмазова