Reference Centre for Immunohistochemical, Pathomorphological and Radiation Imaging Studies for Cancer Diagnosis

Head of Reference Centre
Reference Centre for Immunohistochemical, Pathomorphological and Radiation Imaging Studies for Cancer Diagnosis was established to improve the diagnostic quality as part of the federal cancer control programme.
The Reference Centre runs on the basis of Pathology Unit, Diagnostic Radiology Unit and Telemedicine Unit of Almazov Centre to provide medical care at the clinics of the following research institutes: Institute of Oncology and Hematology, Institute of Endocrinology, Institute of Heart and Vessels, Polenov Neurosurgical Institute
(branch of Almazov National Medical Research Centre).
- Group of Immunohistochemical, Pathomorphological and Molecular Genetic Studies
Pathology Unit of the Main Clinical Facility
Head: Lubov Mitrofanova, MD, DSc, Board Certified Pathologist, Chief Researcher, Associate Professor at the Chair of Pathology, Institute of Medical Education
Pathology Unit of Rehabilitation Clinic
Head: Roman Grozov, MD, PhD, Board Certified Pathologist
Pathology Unit of Polenov Neurosurgical Institute
Head: Yulia Zabrodskaya, Head of Reference Centre, Head of Research Laboratory of Nervous System Pathomorphology, Professor at the Chair of Pathology, Institute of Medical Education
- Radiation Imaging Group
Head: Ilona Basek, MD, PhD, Head of Diagnostic Radiology Department, Board Certified Radiologist
- Radiology Group
Head: Darya Ryzhkova, MD, DSc, Chief Researcher of Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostics, Head of the Chair of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Technologies, Institute of Medical Education, Professor of the RAS
Major objectives
- To enhance the availability, efficiency and quality of diagnostic services for cancer patients by way of consultations on the results of pathomorphological, immunohistochemical, molecular genetic and radiation imaging studies of malignant tumors of an uncertain or unknown origin and biological samples, including telemedicine consultations.
- To achieve these objectives, specialists of the Reference Centre carry out face-to-face and telemedicine consultations, conduct diagnostic studies of the biological samples delivered to the Centre and prepare medical reports and conclusions.
Consultations and repeated pathomorphological studies are carried out in the following cases:
- complicated cases requiring a second opinion
- rare and/or complex types of tumors
- divergence of pathomorphological diagnoses made in regional clinics, incl. using the IHC tests
- divergence of clinical and pathomorphological diagnoses in regional clinics
- divergence of diagnoses for primary biopsy and recurrent tumor
- tumor resistance/disease progression and the necessity to revise histological and immunohistochemical drugs or conduct an extended immunohistochemical study of the whole patient's biopsy material
Consultations and revision of imaging studies are carried out:
- in difficult/complicated cases requiring a second opinion
- to clarify the location, extent, stage of cancer
- to clarify the preoperative diagnostic studies
- to assess the progression or recurrence of the tumor
Ways to deliver biomaterials and results for consultation:
- using telemedicine technologies (via the Federal Coordination and Technical Centre of the All-Russia Centre for Emergency Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
- by personal delivery of biopsy (surgical) material or MRI data by courier/legal representative of a patient
Phone: +7 (812) 670-44-23, 702-51-91 (ext. 005235)
List of cancers for referral and studies performed at the Reference Centre:
Pathomorphological studies using immunohistochemical, pathomorphological and radiation imaging methods (incl. telemedicine technologies) are carried out for the following diseases:
- Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs (ICD code: C15-C26)
- Malignant neoplasms of heart, mediastinum and pleura (ICD code: C38)
- Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs (ICD-10 code: C51-C58)
- Malignant neoplasms of prostate (ICD code: C61)
- Malignant neoplasms of spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system (ICD code: C70-C72, C47, C41) with determination of diagnostic and prognostic mutations, assessment of biological potential
- Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands, including pituitary gland, thyroid gland and pancreas (ICD code: C73-C75) with determination of hormones, transcription factors and somatostatine receptors for targeted therapy
- Hematological malignancies (ICD code: C81-C96, D45-D47) with typing for specific therapy
Based on the results of radiation imaging, the Reference Centre provides consultations for solid tumors of all organs and systems with the determination of the extent and stage of cancer, including in dynamics.
Assessment of the pathological process is carried out based on the following imaging studies:
- X-ray CT
- Mammography
- Scintigraphy
Histological, immunohistochemical and molecular genetic studies are paid from the territorial funds of the compulsory medical insurance and can be free of charge for Russian citizens.
These studies can be performed for international patients on a fee basis.
Duration of a study: minimum 1-2 days, maximum 25 working days, average response time – 7 days.
Yulia Zabrodskaya, MD, DSc, Head of the Centre
Tel.: +7 (812) 702-37-06 (ext. 001673)