International collaboration


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Almazov Centre has achieved a broad international outreach, in particular through international cooperation in joint research, educational programs and clinical trials.

Major goals:

• Collaboration with various international organizations, medical and scientific societies and professional associations
• Development of academic mobility for the leading specialists of Almazov Centre, PhD students and residents
• Development of the scientific and educational potential of the Centre and increasing its international recognition and competitive edge globally
• Comprehensive integration of Almazov Centre into the global scientific and educational community
• Internationalization of research and educational programs
• Development of medical tourism and leading position in the medical services market

Major focus areas:

• Coordination of the Centre’s activities in international organizations/societies
• Establishment and development of international partnerships with Almazov Centre, including organizational support for the implementation of international MoU
• Collection and accumulation of information from the divisions of Almazov Centre on all forms of international cooperation, preparation of reports and plans for international cooperation of the Centre
• Information activities to create a sustainable international image of Almazov Centre as a leading innovative research and teaching hospital in Russia and globally
• Coordination of foreign delegations and official visits to Almazov Centre
• Engagement of foreign delegates to share experience in the field of medical science, higher education and healthcare
• Engagement in organizing and holding events with international participation at Almazov Centre
• Coordination of international academic mobility programs
• Participation of Almazov Centre in international rankings, monitoring and analysis of the Centre’s promotion in international rankings
• Facilitation of medical tourism development

Our partners

Today, Almazov Centre collaborates with a number of universities and leading clinics around the world, including those offering educational exchange. It has more than 50 memoranda of understanding with foreign partners from more than 20 countries.


14 – Western Europe, 22 – CIS, 2 – USA, 2 – Baltic states, 3 – Middle East, 7 – Eastern Asia

Key partners
Ереванский государственный медицинский университет имени Мхитара Гераци-logo Mkhitar Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University (Republic of Armenia):
Cooperation in the field of education, research, development and implementation of skill development training programs; introduction of new technologies, scientific developments and projects; organization of student internships.
Professor M.S. Mosoyan is a visiting professor at the University and regularly delivers master classes and lectures on robotic surgery, urological and nephrological issues, and specialists of Almazov Centre co-authored the chapters of a textbook of robotic surgery to be published at the University.
Лого_Мед.центр Святой Григорий Лусаворич St. Gregory the Illuminator Medical Centre (Republic of Armenia):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of neurosurgery, neurology, neurocritical care and interventional treatments in cardiology.
Белорусский гос.мед.университет_logo Belarusian State Medical University (Republic of Belarus):
Cooperation in academic exchanges for teachers and students, development of joint research and training programs.
РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека (1) Republican Research Centre for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology (Republic of Belarus):
Collaboration in education and science in the field of hematology.
РНПЦ-Кардиология Republican Scientific and Practical Centre of Cardiology (Republic of Belarus):
Cooperation is aimed at implementing national healthcare projects, holding congresses, conferences, training sessions proposed by scientific and medical societies, assisting in the reception of specialists participating in these events.
Ун-т-МИТСО Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus International University MITSO (Republic of Belarus):
Cooperation is focused on the joint development and publication of educational materials for students, as well as participation in joint scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables.
Charite клиника (Германия) Institute of Vegetative Physiology of the Charité University Clinic (Germany):
Development of new diagnostic methods for cerebral circulatory disorders in patients with various neurosurgical conditions.
Universitätsklinikum Йена-Logo Jena University Hospital (Germany):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of hematology and oncohematology, collect data for the blast crisis register.
Klinikum_Stuttgart_Logo.svg Klinikum Stuttgart (Germany):
Joint preparation of a research program in the field of neurosurgery and the exchange of specialists, participation in joint conferences, seminars, round tables.
Медицинский центр им. Сураски, Тель-Авив Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Centre (Israel):
Cooperation in the field of pediatric neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, hydrocephalus, neuroimaging and ultrasound.
Университет Бар-Илана Bar-Ilan University (Israel):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of microbiome in metabolic disorders.
Maria-Cecilia-Hospital-Cotignola_large Maria Cecilia Hospital (Italy)
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental medicine and cardiovascular surgery.
 foto-1_0 University of Perugia (Italy)
Scientific cooperation in the field of perinatology and pediatrics to involve specialists from both countries in scientific and educational events, exchange of experience, presentation of lectures.
Университет Милана University of Milan (Italy):
Joint biomedical scientific projects and programs for the development of technical innovations, especially in the field of CVD and lipid metabolism disorders.

University of Ferrara (Italy):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental medicine and cardiovascular surgery.

 КРМУ-Казахстан Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Implementation of a joint master's program in Public Health and new additional training programs, collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental medicine as part of the EAEC project.
Институт молекулярной биологии и биохимии им. М.А. Айтхожина Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Joint educational programs, internships and exchange of specialists in various fields: cardiology, molecular biology and genetics.
Медицинский университет Караганды Karaganda Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Joint educational and advanced training programs, internships and exchange of specialists.
Ун-т-Семей-Казахстан Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Cooperation is aimed at scientific consulting on doctoral programs, academic exchange, trainings and internships.
 Лого_Национальный центр нейрохирургии National Centre for Neurosurgery (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Collaborative research projects in the field of neurosurgery and related areas.
 Лого_Joinyea Education Joinyea Education & Technology (China):
Collaboration on topical issues of spinal surgery, thyroid disorders and medullary cancer, joint seminars and symposiums.
Capital-Medical-University Capital Medical University (China):
Cooperation is focused on the development of international educational and research projects, academic exchange programs.
1 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine (China):
Cooperation is aimed at conducting joint research in fundamental and clinical medicine and implementing bilateral Russia-China projects for joint grant applications.
Лого_Shanxi-Medical-University Shanxi Medical University (China):
Collaboration in science and education, inter-university academic exchange and organization of joint events in various fields of personalized medicine and physiology.
Harbin_Medical_University_logo Harbin Medical University (China):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research and establish the Centre for Innovative Research in Infection and Immunity in Heilongjiang Province.
 МВШМ International Higher School of Medicine (Kyrgyz Republic):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research and in the field of endovascular neurosurgery, specialty training for doctors and publication of co-authored articles.
Государственный медицинский и фармацевтический университет им. Н.Тестемицану Nicolae Testemitanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Republic of Moldova):
Educational cooperation in order to conduct joint research and review the final qualifying papers.
Third Central State Hospital, Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental and clinical medicine, neurosurgery and cerebrovascular surgery.
Университетский медицинский центр Erasmus MC Erasmus University Medical Center (Netherlands):
Collaboration in education and science in the field of endocrinology, collaboration in the Consortium on Thyroid and Pregnancy.
 Ун-т Осло University of Oslo (Norway):
Cooperation on the exchange of specialists and information, holding joint events.
Лого_Медицинский университет залива Gulf Medical University (UAE):
Collaboration aimed at finding solutions to common global and regional challenges using shared experience and complementary opportunities, jointly obtaining new knowledge and creating innovative products and services in the field of science, technology and education.
 University of Lisbon University of Lisbon (Portugal):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental and clinical medicine.
Университет Коменского-logoмед.факультет Есения в Мартине-лого Comenius University in Bratislava and Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin (Slovakia):
Collaboration includes compiling a register of neurosurgical patients and research in endovascular neurosurgery.
 University of Arkansas лого University of Arkansas (USA):
Participation in the Consortium on Thyroid and Pregnancy, analysis of scientific data, co-authored articles.
 Broad-Institute-logo Broad Institute (USA):
Collaboration in education and science in order to study the epidemiology of risk factors and CVD.
 Таджикский государственный медицинский университет им. Абуали ибни Сино Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Republic of Tajikistan):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental and clinical medicine.
 Université de Strasbourg University of Strasbourg (France):
Collaboration in education and science in the field of organ and multiple organ transplantation and cardiothoracic surgery.
Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland- FIMM Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, FIMM (Finland):
Collaboration in education and science in order to conduct joint research in the field of fundamental and clinical medicine, research as part of WCRC projects “Obtaining standardized genotyping data for a national population cohort for biomedical use” and “In-depth analysis of genotype-phenotypic correlations and identification of new potential areas for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases of a polygenic nature.”
 Logo_Universität_Bern.svgUniversity-of-Lugano-Logo Universität Bern, Lugano University (Switzerland):
Collaboration in education and science under the master's program on consciousness, sleep and associated disorders.
 НПЦЭ-Узбекистан Turakulov Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology (Republic of Uzbekistan):
Cooperation is aimed at creating a scientific, educational and research environment for the development and implementation of joint projects in the field of clinical, preventive and experimental endocrinology; studying molecular, genetic and biochemical markers for predicting the development of diabetes mellitus; conducting clinical trials and introducing new drugs for the treatment of obesity, as well as improving the diabetes registry in the Republic of Uzbekistan to study the dynamics of the main epidemiological characteristics of diabetes mellitus and medical care performance indicators.
 Ун-т-иммунологии-Узбекистан Institute of Immunology and Human Genomics, Academy of Sciences of the (Republic of Uzbekistan):
Cooperation is focused on the development of joint research in the field of immunology, allergology and genomics, the exchange of information, ideas, experience and methods of mutual interest, as well as the use of material and technical resources and equipment to achieve scientific and technical goals.
 Логотип_Национальный детский мед.центр (2) National Children's Medical Center (Republic of Uzbekistan):
Collaboration implies an international partnership in the field of academic exchange, carrying out research projects and strengthening cultural ties between countries.
 РНПЦ кардиологии (Узбекистан) Republican Specialized Centre for Cardiology (Republic of Uzbekistan):
Collaboration in education and research in order to develop and implement joint projects in the field of clinical, preventive and experimental cardiology.
 Республиканский научный центр нейрохирургии  Узбекистан Republican Scientific Centre of Neurosurgery (Republic of Uzbekistan):
Expanding joint research in the field of neurosurgery and related areas, exchange of ideas, experience and methods in the areas of mutual interest, as well as the use of materials, facilities and equipment to achieve scientific and technical goals.
 НИИ гематологии и переливания крови (Узбекистан) Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (Republic of Uzbekistan):
Joint research in the field of hematology and oncohematology.
International events

Every year, the specialists of Almazov Centre take part in foreign congresses and conferences. In 2022, they attended more than 20 international events (including online) in 16 countries. The key events were:


WHO Collaborating Centre


Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto and Dr. Bente Mikkelsen (WHO)

In 2022, Almazov Centre was reassigned the official status of a WHO Collaborating Centre for CVDs, eHealth and value-based medicine until 2026.

Priority areas as part of collaboration with WHO include:

• expert activity in the development and implementation of measures for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases with a special focus on epidemiology, emergency care, primary and secondary prevention and rehabilitation,
• promoting the understanding of value-based care and personalized medicine and their use in the field of NCDs,
• increasing awareness to assist WHO in the implementation of evidence-based approaches for NCDs,
• exploring the possibilities of using e-health and telemedicine technologies for NCD prevention and treatment.

In 2022, the experts of Almazov Centre were involved in the updating of clinical protocols on non-communicable diseases for the project “Procurement of medicines and health products for the control of non-communicable diseases (NCD) in Turkmenistan through the United Nations Development Programme.” They carried out international expertise to review, update and train on clinical protocols for arterial hypertension, type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults and children, acute coronary syndrome and stroke for doctors and patients from Turkmenistan.

Also, work was carried out to adapt the WHO list of priority medical devices for the management of CVD and diabetes into Russian.

Cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Since 2019, Almazov Centre has been developing cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 5 major areas: medical tourism, science, education, IT in medicine and congress activities. The Centre is an active partner of the SCO Business Council on strengthening business ties between the SCO member states and implementing mutually beneficial programmes and projects in the field of medicine and health care

World-Class Research Centre for Personalized Medicine

In August 2020, the Council for State Support for the Creation and Development of World-Class Research Centres carrying out R&D in the priority areas of science and technology approved the list of world-class research centres (WCRC). The government support for the area “Personalized medicine, high-tech healthcare and health-preserving technologies” was provided to the WCRC for Personalized Medicine established at Almazov Centre and the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

WCRC for Personalized Medicine provides an expert platform to create a biomedical ecosystem for the development and implementation of advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies based on personalized medicine into healthcare practice.

In 2022, research was continued to develop diagnostic and treatment technologies based on personalized medicine, including the assessment of genetic risks, methods of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics, disease biomodelling, genome modification and the creation of gene therapy drugs and biomedical cell products with the use of genome editing technologies to improve the quality of treatment and reduce mortality in various cardiovascular diseases, metabolic comorbidities, hematological malignancies and certain types of solid tumors, some infectious diseases, as well as in genetic diseases, including rare and understudied ones.”

To ensure the high level of ongoing research and its compliance with the modern world trends, the WCRC has a significant focus on international collaboration. The WCRC International Advisory Board includes 28 world leading experts in all areas of personalized medicine and more than 200 world scientists are engaged in all WCRC areas.

Every year, the Advisory Board holds meetings for foreign and national experts to discuss current projects and share expert opinion.

Almazov Centre in global rankings

RUR Subject Rankings 2023


In 2023, Almazov Centre was ranked high for Teaching Quality (262nd worldwide, 9th in Russia) and Financial Sustainability (43rd worldwide, 2nd in Russia), moving up to the Silver and Diamond Leagues of RUR Subject Rankings 2023 respectively. According to the results of the Medical Sciences subject rankings, Almazov Centre was ranked 460th worldwide (Bronze League) and 13th among Russian universities (Copper League), moving from the World League (581st and 27th last year). (More)

Times Higher Education Impact Rankings

The new edition of THE 2023 Impact Rankings placed Almazov Centre in the top 100 universities in their assessment against Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) of the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals (SDG). In 2023, Almazov Centre showed an impressive climb, moving from 101-200 last year to 75th place. Additionally, Almazov Centre was ranked third in Russia (4th last year) for this SDG for its ongoing efforts to promote healthy living and well-being through world-class research and teaching.  (More).

Round University Ranking (RUR) 

RUR logoIn 2023, Almazov Centre also improved its scores in the RUR 2023 world university ranking. It was ranked 47th among domestic educational organizations moving 16 lines higher compared to last year. It is especially worth noting that for Financial Sustainability, Almazov Centre was ranked among the TOP-250 universities of the world and joined the Silver League, being 240th among universities in the world and 7th among Russian universities.  (More).

SCImago Institutions Rankings

008971-SCImagoIn SCImago Institutions Rankings 2023, Almazov Centre was ranked 2nd in the Societal Rank category among Russian healthcare organizations, surpassed only by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In addition, Almazov Centre moved up in the overall ranking in the Medicine subcategory, taking 7th place among Russian healthcare organizations. (More).

International membership
Specialists of Almazov Centre are members of international societies, editorial boards of major European journals, reviewers in various publishing systems, they are involved in the working groups for international clinical guidelines, expert councils and scientific program committees of major international congresses and conferences.

In 2022, Elza Lomaia, leading researcher at the Department of Clinical Oncohematology, Institute of Oncology and Hematology, was elected Ambassador for the Ambassador Program of the Society of Hematologic Oncology and a member of the international committee of the International Association for Comparative Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases (IACRLRD).


Major consortia and international societies

Almazov Centre is a member of the Consortium on Thyroid and Pregnancy, an international research collaboration comprising study groups from leading institutions in the Netherlands, USA, Great Britain, Finland, Spain, China, etc. The first results of the Consortium's work were published in JAMA and The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

Since 2020, Almazov Centre has been a member of the Value-Based Healthcare Working Group (VBHI), which was established to train CVD specialists and medical organizations around the world in a value-based approach to CVD treatment, including high-tech procedures.

Joint registers and patient networks:

• ERSAP program (Emerging Regions Support and Partnership) of iCMLf (International Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Foundation)
• The European Treatment Outcome Study (EUTOS) for CML of the European LeukemiaNet
• The European CML Blast Crisis Register and the Bone Marrow Transplant Register
• European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC) – participation in the CLL working group
• European Atrial Fibrillation Registry – AF Gen III


Tel: +7 (812) 702-68-23



Уведомляем вас, что в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 06.03.2006 № 35-ФЗ «О противодействии терроризму» в Центре Алмазова введен комплекс дополнительных мер по безопасности, направленный на предотвращение террористических актов. В целях обеспечения безопасности граждан и целостности объектов инфраструктуры при посещении Центра Алмазова проводится дополнительный личный осмотр, осмотр вещей и автотранспорта. Отказ от соблюдения мер по безопасности может послужить причиной недопуска на территорию Центра Алмазова. Просим с пониманием отнестись к введенным мерам по безопасности.

С уважением, Администрация Центра Алмазова